Worksnaps now works with Redmine

We are happy to announce that Worksnaps now works with Redmine. Redmine is a free and open source, web-based project management and bug-tracking tool. Its main features include a calendar and Gantt charts to aid visual representation of projects and their deadlines, multiple projects, issue tracking, and support for various version control systems.

Where in Worksnaps can I find the integration with Redmine?

After you log onto Worksnaps, you can go to Profile & Settings >> 3rd Party Integration. Then you will see the integration option Redmine at the far right.

Once you are on Redmine page in Worksnaps, choose “Yes” in the dropdown list to turn on the integration. Then you can enter your Redmine URL and API Key. To test the connection to the Redmine server, you can click on the test link right beneath the API Key. Once you successfully test the connection, you can save the information and proceed with syncing projects and tasks from Redmine.

Where do I find the Redmine API token?

Usually you can find your Redmine API Key in your Profile Settings in the Redmine web interface. Please see the following screen for an example.

How about exporting logged time from Worksnaps to Redmine?

Good question! Now we finished the import of projects/tasks from Redmine into Worksnaps, you should be able to get started with tracking time for your Redmine projects. We will continue on to implement the function to export logged time in Worksnaps to Redmine, so that you can see the time directly inside Redmine with links to the detailed screen shots. Syncing time is not trivial and requires some in-depth work. We are working on it now and will keep you posted.

We hope that you find the integration with Redmine useful and look forward to your valuable feedback. Happy Time Tracking!

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