Remote Work Digest: September 29, 2023

The latest on all kinds of information, news, and resources that help you make working remotely better.

What Can a Business Do to Improve Its Productivity? | Marc Berman,

Every year, employers bear the burden of $1.8 trillion in lost productivity. So, what can a business do to improve its productivity? Keep reading to know more.

Set Clear Goals and Objectives

To improve productivity, a business can set clear goals and objectives. This involves clearly defining what the business wants to achieve and creating a plan of action to reach those goals.

By having concrete goals and objectives, employees have a clear direction. Also, they can focus on what needs to be accomplished.

Time Management

A clear understanding of the value and importance of each task will help employees stay focused and work efficiently. Furthermore, utilizing time-tracking tools can help manage workload and reduce unnecessary work duplication.

Invest in Employee Training

A successful business understands the importance of staying competitive in the market. This is why businesses must provide employees with the skills and knowledge. With this, they can perform their tasks more efficiently.

Encourage Breaks

A business can encourage breaks for its employees to improve productivity. It may seem counterintuitive. But, breaks actually have a positive impact on productivity. It would help if workers were able to take short breaks throughout the workday. With this, they will be able to recharge and refocus. This leads to increased energy and concentration.

Effective Communication

Effective communication is the cornerstone of a successful business. A business can improve its productivity by establishing clear and open lines of communication. This is not just for employees but also for stakeholders and managers. Regular communication can be done through various channels. It can be through team meetings, emails, and one-on-one discussions. These can help in identifying challenges and aligning goals.

Productivity is the key to a successful business. A business needs to get answers on what can a business do to improve its productivity.

A business can improve its productivity by implementing strategies. You can provide training and resources for your employees. Also, it helps to evaluate their performance regularly. Don’t wait any longer. Start taking steps toward increasing productivity in your business today!

Here are some of the best places in the world to remote work from – two are in Europe |

It’s a well-known fact that more Europeans than ever are working remotely. The trend was greatly accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic but it’s set to continue as people experiment with new ways of work.

Research shows that on average across the EU, 30% of workers regularly worked from home in 2022, either fully or in a hybrid model, with previous estimates putting that figure at as low as 5.5% in 2019, before the pandemic began.

Best international locations for expat remote employees

Madeira, Portugal

Its temperate climate and oceanside location make it appealing for expats and remote workers seeking a traditional culture at home and a modern culture in the workplace.

Because of recent infrastructure upgrades, Madeira claims to have the fastest internet speeds in Portugal. Foreign remote workers can rent hybrid ‘workation’ facilities combining housing and workspace. Rental for a two-bedroom apartment starts at about €850 per month.

Tallinn, Estonia

With competitive internet speeds and online access to virtually every public service, Tallinn offers an affordable alternative to more expensive or touristy European cities.

One major advantage Estonia offers for digital nomads and remote workers is a flexible residential and visa policy. Digital nomads can qualify for e-residency status, allowing them to own and operate businesses without the required physical presence.


The island of Bermuda is tempting for adventurous remote workers and digital nomads considering a complete departure from the traditional corporate environment.

While Bermuda is still primarily a tourist destination noted for its pink sand beaches, it also features competitive internet capacity and well-equipped co-working spaces.

Chiang Mai, Thailand

Located in Thailand’s northern hills, Chiang Mai has become a popular destination for younger remote workers and digital nomads. 

There is a strong expat and digital nomad culture in Chiang Mai, although Thailand does not currently have a defined visa programme for digital nomads or temporary remote workers.

A government work permit is also required before foreign remote workers can earn any income in the country. A ‘Special Tourist Visa’ allows long-term travelers to stay in Thailand for up to 270 days.

Bali, Indonesia

Bali’s thriving international community and abundance of co-working spaces make it easy for foreign workers to set up shop, find accommodation, and build a social network within the city’s borders.

There is also a digital nomad visa planned for Bali.

The government of Bali and private investors have significantly improved its digital infrastructure, with Wi-Fi access widely available in public areas and communal workspaces.

Bangalore, India

The bustling city of Bangalore has been called the Silicon Valley of India because of its tech-friendly economy and well-trained local workforce. Remote workers and digital nomads can easily find a niche in the city’s business district. Bangalore’s climate is relatively mild compared to other regions of India, which makes it a more comfortable environment for foreign workers.

The country also offers a long-term visa for foreign professionals seeking to work remotely in India. While no specific visa programme exists for temporary remote workers or digital nomads, a traditional work visa can be extended for up to five years.

15 Career Hacks That Help You Get What You Want In Life, Too | Michele Molitor,

When it comes to taking your career success to a new level, there are some fundamental things you should keep in mind.

No matter where you’re from, I’ve found these things to be pretty much universal.

Read through the list and see what resonates most for you, as well as which ones sting a little or give you pause. Those are the ones you need to pay particular attention to.

Here are 15 powerful career hacks (that work for the rest of your life, too)

1. Deep breathing

First, take a deep breath and chill out a little.

You don’t have to have everything figured out today.

2. Knowing your core values

Identify your core values and compelling “why.” Then, align your work to these beliefs. The more aligned you are, the better your career will flow.

3. Being aware of the best use of you

Ask yourself: What’s the highest, most valuable use of your time, energy, and talents over the next 12 months?

4. Doing what you love

Notice what pulls you forward in your work and fills your cup — the things you do where time disappears.

Then find ways to do more of that, more often.

5. Knowing your “don’t want’s”

Notice what’s not working for you and move those obstacles out of the way.

Write down what you “do want” and what you “don’t want” in your life and career as you move ahead.

6. Using your brainpower

If you’re bored, then you’re not being challenged, and you’re not growing.

Do you want to choose growth or stagnation for yourself?

7. Being aware that failure is still learning

Learn from your mistakes and missteps and then move forward with those lessons front of mind while leaving the scars in the past.

8. Following the wisdom

Hang out with people wiser than you — learn from their mistakes, so you can avoid them.

And then, even maybe, leap-frog right over them to even greater success.

9. Being wary of false truths

What false truths are you telling yourself? What old beliefs and decisions about yourself are holding you back from achieving all that you know in your heart, you’re capable of achieving?

Here’s a hint: You are enough.

10. Being true to yourself

Live authentically. Find your way to share your gifts and unique talents with the world. Different is beautiful.

11. Giving yourself permission

Full permission to be yourself, to listen to your heart and spirit, and create a life you love.

You’re worth it.

12. Knowing what’s needed now

What steps can you take today to move you forward in the direction of your goals and dreams?

Identify the hard stuff and do those things first.

13. Doing some “out of the box” thinking

Open up your vision to the possibilities that are all around you, versus what you think they should look like.

Notice where your fears are trying to fool you to stay inside the box as well.

14. Being invested in the game

Do you have an investment in the game? What’s your catalyst or carrot for moving yourself forward?

Use this as a motivator and let it fuel the fire in your belly to help drive your success.

15. Choosing joy

Each day, choose the perspective that lifts you up and motivates you from the inside out.

As you find more joy in each day, you’ll feel better and much happier, which triggers the happy chemicals in your brain (dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin, and endorphins).

All of which helps to increase your confidence and well-being! And guess what? Other people like working with happy people, so create a win-win!

11 Remote Jobs You Can Do That Don’t Need Any Qualifications | Jack Turner,

  1. Data Entry

As the name suggests, the role consists of inputting data into a database from another source. Typically, it’s from one electronic source to another, although some roles may send employees paper documents to take information from.

Ideal skills: You’ll need to be computer literate, and ideally have a good eye for detail. The job can also be very monotonous, so you’ll need to be able to deal with repetitive tasks without issue.

2. Language Tutor

One of the most common entry level roles in teaching is teaching languages. Typically these will be one on one, and the students can be children or adults. Some online platforms require a bachelor’s degree, but not all.

Ideal skills: You’ll need to have a perfect grasp of the language you’re teaching, and be a good communicator too. You’ll also need to keep in mind timezone differences, as your students are likely to be outside the US.

3. Customer Service Representative

There are plenty of remote jobs in customer service – any company that offers a product or service will need customer service representatives to respond to questions, take orders, arrange bookings, deal with complaints, and more.

Ideal skills: You’ll need good communication skills, and ideally be a fast typer if you’re dealing with online messages. If you’re fielding calls over the phone, make sure you have a quiet work environment in your home.

4. Virtual Assistant

Virtual assistants will typically help out with day to day tasks, such as calendar scheduling, managing emails, booking travel appointments, and so on, but it can be a very varied role, depending on the industry.

Ideal skills: Good communication, time management and the ability to problem solve and juggle multiple tasks are all beneficial to being a virtual assistant.

5. Community Manager

A community manager is responsible for being the face of an organization – usually over social media, or online forums. They are expected to liaise with customers and the community on a daily basis, and answer questions, create content and, in some cases moderate content too.

Ideal skills: For this role you’ll need excellent communication skills, as well as the ability to find answers quickly to questions that are asked.

6. Sales Representative

Sales roles are likely to be phone based, and usually involve tight targets with high expectations. If you can thrive in a pressured environment, and can handle rejection from potential customers, a remote sales job may suit you.

Ideal skills: You’ll need to have excellent people skills, the ability to talk positively about the product or service you’re selling, and be target oriented.

7. Translator

If you know two or more languages, then a job in translation could be an ideal fit. There are many remote translation roles available, and they cover a huge spectrum of industries, including anything from translating medical information, to checking advert copy for foreign markets.

Ideal skills: It goes without saying that you’ll need to be fluent in at least two languages. It may also help to be aware of cultural nuances, and if you’re translating documents, fast typing skills are a must.

8. Content Writer

If you’ve got a knack for writing compelling copy, then a remote content writer role could be your next job. Roles can be either freelance or permanent, and the sky’s the limit as to what you could find yourself writing about, whether it’s recipes or online guides.

Ideal skills: Excellent writing skills of course, as well as the ability to write at speed. Many writing roles pay by the piece, so the more you can produce, the more you’ll get paid.

9. Proofreader

A proofreader will read a text, noting typing errors and grammatical errors, and because the job is mainly reading, it’s an ideal role for those looking to work remotely.

Ideal skills: You’ll need to have a keen eye for detail, be proficient in the language of the copy, and know your colons from your commas.

10. Transcriptionist

While it’s true that some companies have turned to software to transcribe audio these days, there is still a need for transcriptionists out there.

In the role you may be tasked with transcribing TV shows, films, podcasts, and more. The role tends to be freelance, giving you the chance to work for several companies at the same time.

11. AI Prompt Engineer

Of all the jobs on this list, this one is the new hotness. A prompt engineer essentially gives instructions to an AI platform, such as ChatGPT, to get it to produce anything from copy, to program code, to images.

As the field is still relatively new, it’s a great time to get in, and, providing you’re comfortable with AI and know how to create killer prompts, it can be quite lucrative.