Remote Work Digest: December 29, 2023

The latest on all kinds of information, news, and resources that help you make working remotely better.

Five strategies for businesses to succeed in 2024 | Manar Al Hinai,

Here are some key lessons for businesses to learn from this year and put into effect in 2024.

Embrace Change

One of the most important lessons I have learnt is that embracing change is the best thing I can do for myself and my business.

Nothing good comes from resisting change and not learning how to take advantage of the shifting landscape.

Build a strong team

Invest in hiring a good team. This is an exercise you should not rush. Hire team members who share your vision, values and drive.

This means offering a competitive salary package, fostering a collaborative culture where your team members would thrive and providing them with the opportunity to learn and develop their skills.

Connect with the community

Consumers are becoming increasingly conscious of how businesses affect the community and the environment around them.

Adopt environmentally friendly business practices. Look for ways to reduce your carbon footprint and embrace initiatives that will support your community members and global audience, if applicable.

Never stop learning

In an ever-evolving business landscape that is increasingly being shaped by artificial intelligence and other technological advances, we need to continue dedicating time for learning and developing our skills.

Organisations need to ensure that their employees have the time and resources to learn and develop.

It’s OK to fail

It’s OK to fail. However, it is not OK to not try something new. Fail, fall, get up and try again.

We will never know exactly what the coming year holds for us, but what I know for sure is that being well prepared, planning ahead, embracing learning and continuous development, being agile and surrounding yourself with a strong team will help ease challenges along the way.

7 tips for conflict resolution in the workplace | Rich Henson,

It’s important for good managers to be ready and willing to face conflict head-on and have possible solutions ready to implement. To do that, you need tools. So here they are.

Here are the top seven tips for conflict resolution in the workplace.

1.Establish open communication channels

Open communication is at its best when managers and team members feel free to express their differing opinions, ideas and concerns with each other in a steady and transparent manner.

Managers can encourage this by scheduling regular one-on-one or team check-ins to create a space for employees to discuss concerns and share updates. This proactive approach develops communication skills and helps identify issues before they escalate.

2. Foster a positive work environment

Team-building exercises or events strengthen interpersonal relationships, which leads directly to better collaboration and reduces conflicts in the work environment.

Though some morale-building events may look like all fun and games, they are designed to encourage people to work as a team. Countless studies have documented the link between team building and improved employee performance.

3. Provide conflict resolution training

To be successful, it’s important for organizations to conduct training sessions that focus on improving communication, active listening and constructive feedback.

Employees need to be given the tools to both express themselves and to understand their colleagues more fully.

Your managers also need these same skills, as well as mediation techniques, conflict de-escalation skills, and the ability to facilitate constructive conversations.

The top 10 communication skills tips for conflict resolution are:

  • No finger-pointing.
  • Let people explain themselves.
  • Listen.
  • Use ‘I’ statements.
  • Stay calm.
  • Be willing to compromise.
  • Don’t talk behind people’s backs.
  • Avoid taking things personally.
  • Pay close attention to nonverbal communication.
  • Prioritize resolving the conflict over being right.

4. Establish clear policies and procedures

Workplace conflict often arises simply because people don’t know the rules.

That’s why it’s important to clearly outline workplace expectations and acceptable behavior in employee handbooks and written policies.

Employees should also be made aware of the consequences of violating these standards.

Outline the steps involved in your conflict resolution processes, making the processes transparent.

5. Encourage empathy and understanding

While empathy and understanding may be fifth on this list, it is essential right out of the gate. Be sure to foster an inclusive workplace by providing training on diversity and inclusion. This helps employees develop empathy and a better understanding of varying viewpoints.

By taking a proactive approach to diversity and inclusion, companies foster an open-minded work environment where people of varying backgrounds and identities are valued.

It is important to value listening skills, an open mind that accepts different viewpoints, and a willingness to find common ground.

6. Mediation and neutral third parties

While it’s important for managers to know how to resolve conflicts, it’s also vital to know when to call a third party for help.

For example, a long-simmering conflict may require a neutral third party. Sometimes, the manager simply doesn’t want to be the one delivering a difficult message. Or there may be a conflict where a great imbalance of power exists.

7. Continuous monitoring and evaluation

Simple things like onboarding a new hire, changing job assignments, promoting someone, or adjusting work schedules or workflow can create opportunity for clashes.

A proactive manager works closely with human resources to spot and address issues before they escalate.

Conflict resolution is an easier task in a workplace that’s already been built on trust, respect and empathy for one another. And conflict resolution in the workplace is a great place to focus a manager’s energy, since conflict reduction can lead to increased employee productivity, greater motivation and loyalty, lower medical costs, fewer workers’ comp claims, and lower absenteeism and turnover.  

5 Time Management Hacks for Work | Minute

From recognized methods to developing a routine, here are some handy ideas.

Get Some Digital Help

It’s probably safe to assume you have access to at least a computer. But like most, you also probably use a smartphone or tablet. These can be lifesavers because of the many amazing apps you can get. Collaboration apps like Slack and even calendar apps can help you manage time more effectively. 

Use the Pomodoro Method

The Pomodoro Method helps you break down large tasks into smaller ones based on time. Basically, you work on your tasks 25 minutes at a time and take a five-minute break between each interval. This helps your brain stay sharp without being bogged down. It can also help to take ten minutes or more for every fourth interval.

Time Management Hacks for Fewer Distractions

Distractions are all around us and can take a lot of time when you are working. This is especially true when working from home, where it isn’t as strict as in the office. A survey by Gitnux found that 84% of us become distracted, but you can reduce this with some simple steps:

  • List tasks by priority the night before they are to be completed.
  • Turn off anything that is definitely going to distract you.
  • Make sure your workspace is as comfortable as possible.

Establish a Routine that Works

Working on a routine can be one of the most effective ways to get the most from the time available to you. Certain tasks, such as getting up, brushing your teeth and showering, are automatic routines. But work routines will require some thought. Think about when you will start your work, when you will take breaks and the time you wish to finish.

Work During Your Productive Sweet Spot

Everyone has a different sweet spot when they are more productive. Some people are full of beans at 5 am, while others perk up at night when it’s dark. This can be important because we all have peak productivity times when we can just get things done. It can take some trial and error, but it can make a massive difference to your work life when you find it.

Digital apps are some of the most useful time management hacks you can try. It also helps to reduce distractions when working. And finding your productivity sweet spot is a massive help.

15 Things Leaders Should Know About Returning To The Office | Forbes Coaches,

Below, 15 members of Forbes Coaches Council share key aspects that employers may not quite understand regarding RTO plans, which could help them more clearly—and more effectively—communicate their strategic goals for bringing everyone back together in the same physical space.

1. Every Situation Is Different

Instead of being strategic, which would take more time and maybe even cost more money, employers are just glossing over everything and re-disrupting a workforce that is just now getting past being initially disrupted. Employers may point to data to show why it’s a good thing to return, but rarely are they looking at their own data. – Franklin Buchanan, Post Up Careers

2. It’s Not About The ‘Office’

Start by remembering that it’s not about the “office”; it’s about people connecting with other people—collaborating and engaging in meaningful ways that simply don’t happen via Zoom. If the focus is on effective collaboration and culture-building, communication with employees will organically come across differently and be more likely to inspire the desire for those kinds of experiences. – Lori Bartle, Cultivagency

3. Your Team’s Motivators Matter

What motivates your team? If your team is returning to the office, reevaluate what motivations you use in your company. One of the hottest motivators today is assisting your team members with the expense of the commute—so look at gas cards, reimbursements, travel cards and paid-for ride-sharing. – Nick Leighton, Exactly Where You Want to Be

4. RTO Mandates Can Damage Engagement

Mandating a return to the office damages engagement. Employees demonstrated higher productivity during their remote season. So, coming back to work just because employers want their office space used doesn’t sell well. Employees feel controlled and not appreciated. Companies that paid for healthy lunch options, remodeled and offered flexible remote options enticed their workforces to return to the office. – Carry Metkowski, Carry Metkowski

5. Hybrid Employees Need Manager-Set Boundaries

Many employers are focused on the wrong thing. For many workers, the issue isn’t where they work, but the level of autonomy and flexibility. In fact, most employees prefer a hybrid experience, as long as they feel that management sets boundaries and acknowledges that working in the office every day often creates unnecessary hardship and stress due to things such as serving in caregiving roles and facing long commute times. – Ira Wolfe, Poised for the Future Company

6. Employee Needs Vary By Generation

We operate in a wildly diverse work environment, with more generations employed together than ever before in history. Each workforce segment has different needs and concerns driving their performance and job satisfaction. The shift to work-at-home exposed and amplified these differences, making it necessary for leadership to understand and speak to each of these concerns. – Philip Liebman, ALPS Leadership

7. The Work-Life Balance Paradigm Is Evolving

Adapting to evolving expectations regarding work-life integration is essential for employers in our post-Covid reality. A new culture that respects individual needs and preferences is needed. Organizations can create a new environment that resonates with diverse working styles and inspires employees to return. Recognizing the importance of diversity, equity and inclusion, as well as flexibility, helps personalize a better work experience. – Dominik Szot, MIA

8. Employees Now Realize How Much Working Costs Them

What became glaringly clear to our workforce during Covid was the cost of being employed. From child care and transportation costs to work clothing and meals out, working from home suddenly brought awareness to what going to work was costing in terms of both personal expenses and precious time spent commuting. Getting creative with the benefits you offer may be a game-changing way to become a preferred employer. – Sherre DeMao, BizGrowth Inc

9. Employees Need Compelling Reasons To Return

An employee’s connection to the job, the company and its culture isn’t built by sitting in the office. People need to know the purpose behind returning—why they are doing what they are doing for you. Instead of making it a policy, inspire them with a reason that is compelling enough to justify the time and commuting costs. Employees will join you in the office when they feel they belong to the company and have fun in the office. – Adriana Kosovska, Zero To Dream Job

10. Work Environments Must Align With Employees’ Needs

Employers must grasp how expectations have changed post-Covid. There are diverse preferences for work interactions. To inspire a return to the office, it’s crucial to understand and accommodate these preferences, creating an environment aligned with individuals’ needs and reasons for coming back—rather than forcing people into ways of working that might not be the most effective for them or their teams. – Martha Jeifetz, MJ – Executive Coaching & Advising

11. Flexibility Helps People Be More Productive

Hybrid work is the only real sustainable path forward. Organizations that are using pre-pandemic models to demand a return to the office are neglecting the truth of the experience, which is that people have a tendency to be even more productive during their “execution” time, and work from home actually allows more focus and an expanded time window for work. Give folks flexibility. – MK Palmore, Apogee Global RMS

12. ‘Remote Work’ Could Be A Great Benefit Now

The one thing employers aren’t “getting” about post-Covid return-to-office plans that could change how they communicate with employees is that now “remote work” could be a great benefit. Rather than a blanket return-to-work policy, employers might consider a three- to four-day in-office workweek, allowing all employees to benefit and maintain a connection to the organization, their peers and their homes. – Tinna Jackson, Jackson Consulting Group, LLC

13. The Emotional Impact Of RTO Matters

It seems like many employers are focused on the logistics of returning to the office, such as safety protocols and scheduling, but may not be fully considering the emotional impact. Perhaps a focus on open and transparent communication, as well as empathy and understanding, could go a long way in inspiring employees to feel comfortable and excited about returning to the workplace. – Shamila Mhearban, The Leadership Growth Hub

14. Reoriented Priorities Demand Hybrid Options

So much has shifted in people’s lives. Some love that they had more time with their loved ones while working at home; others felt stifled by the ever-present closeness. Some got the virus; some had a family member or friend get sick, or even die. Almost everyone reoriented their priorities. Find out what works best for each employee and try to create hybrid options with choices that allow them to thrive. – Nadine Hack, beCause Global Consulting

15. Sharing The ‘Why’ Can Help Employees Want To Adapt

Employers often do not “get” that for their employees to want to adapt their behavior post-Covid, leaders must clearly communicate the “why” (why must they return to the office, why now, and what might happen if they do not return). They must also help their employees feel more empowered by offering some agency regarding the return-to-office plans, such as by giving options or asking for solutions. – Vered Kogan, Momentum Institute

Remote Work Digest: November 28, 2023

The latest on all kinds of information, news, and resources that help you make working remotely better.

How to Make the Most of Your Home Office |

Creating an effective and productive home office environment is essential for those who work remotely. Here are some tips to help you make the most of your home office.

1.Designing Your Workspace

The physical environment plays a crucial role in your work performance. Select a dedicated space with ample natural light, ergonomic furniture, and minimal distractions. Personalize it with plants, artwork, or motivational quotes to create a positive and inspiring atmosphere.

2. Technology and Connectivity

Invest in reliable technology to ensure seamless communication and efficient workflow. High-speed internet, quality audio and video equipment, and ergonomic peripherals contribute to a smoother and more enjoyable work experience.

3. Establishing a Routine

Maintain a consistent schedule to create a sense of structure. Set regular working hours, breaks, and a clear endpoint to your day to prevent burnout. This routine not only enhances productivity but also helps in achieving a healthier work-life balance.

4. Effective Time Management

Utilize tools and techniques for effective time management. Prioritize tasks, set realistic deadlines, and use productivity apps to stay organized. Break down your work into smaller, manageable tasks to make progress more achievable and less overwhelming.

5. Creating Boundaries

Establish clear boundaries between work and personal life. Communicate your working hours to family members or housemates, and avoid the temptation to overwork. Disconnect from work-related communication channels after business hours to maintain a healthy work-life balance.

6. Regular Physical Activity

Incorporate regular physical activity into your routine. Whether it’s a morning jog, a midday yoga session, or an evening walk, physical exercise contributes to improved mental health and overall well-being.

By intentionally designing your space, establishing a routine, and embracing a holistic approach to well-being, you can unlock the full potential of your home office and thrive in the new era of flexible work.

Management Tips: How Managers Can Lead Their Teams | Nicola Holder,

Effective leadership is the highlight of successful team management. Today’s business environment is witnessing distributed teams and work happens remotely. Therefore, managers face unique challenges in managing their activities. Fortunately, technological advancements have provided tools to streamline management processes.

Management tips for managers

Here are various tips can consider for their teams.


Communication is the bedrock of effective management. Managers must ensure expectations and feedback are communicated clearly to the team. Employee monitoring software can assist in this aspect by providing a centralized platform for communication. Managers can use features like messaging and announcements to disseminate information promptly.


Managers should establish measurable objectives for their teams. Employee monitoring software can help track progress toward these goals. It allows managers to identify areas of success and additional support. Setting clear expectations and regularly monitoring progress creates a sense of direction and purpose. It motivates team members to achieve their best.

Employee development

Investing in employee development is crucial for long-term team success. Employee monitoring software can help managers identify individual strengths and areas for improvement. Performance data can help managers tailor training programs and provide targeted feedback to enhance each team member’s skills.

Work-life balance

Balancing professional and personal life becomes essential for employee well-being and productivity. Employee monitoring software can assist managers in monitoring workload and identifying potential burnout risks. 


Employee monitoring software includes features that facilitate collaboration, like project management tools and collaborative spaces. Managers should encourage using these tools to promote teamwork and create a sense of unity among team members.


Regular feedback sessions, supported by data-driven insights, can assist team members in understanding their strengths and areas for improvement. Managers can use this information to provide guidance and support.

Reward performance

Acknowledging and rewarding outstanding performance is critical to boosting morale and motivation. 

Address conflict

Managers should address conflicts promptly by fostering open communication and implementing strategies to resolve issues amicably. A proactive approach to conflict resolution contributes to a healthier team dynamic.

Stay informed

Managers should invest time in staying informed about the latest advancements in management technology. Knowledge enables them to leverage the full potential of employee monitoring software. They can move ahead of the curve in optimizing team performance and efficiency.

Data privacy

Respecting privacy builds trust within the team and creates a fruitful environment where employees feel valued.

Role of employees in seeking practical guidance from their managers

Open communication channels

Establishing a channel for regular feedback and discussions ensures concerns and questions are shared promptly. Using one-on-one meetings and team discussions allows employees to express their thoughts on work-related matters and seek guidance on challenges they may be facing.


It’s essential to proactively engage with managers to ensure a clear understanding of expectations. Seeking clarification on tasks and project objectives helps employees align their efforts with the organizational vision.

Proactive participation

Actively participating in these conversations allows employees to articulate their career goals and collaborate with managers to create actionable plans for improvement. 

Constructive use of employee monitoring software

Actively engaging with monitoring tools can help employees self-reflect on their time management and seek guidance from managers on strategies to enhance effectiveness.

Feedback loop

Establishing a feedback loop is essential for ongoing improvement. Employees should actively seek feedback from managers on their performance and projects. 

Bottom line

Embracing clear communication and prioritizing employee development can help managers lead their teams to greater efficiency and success. The key is to strike a balance between using technology and maintaining a human-centric approach that values the well-being and growth of each team member.

How to Take Your Startup to the Next Level with Time Management | Maya Johnson,

With the right time management strategies, you can save more time as a startup entrepreneur, ensure that your most vital responsibilities are addressed, and reduce your stress at the same time.

Here’s how to take your startup to the next level with more effective time management.

Hire Help (and Delegate)

First, consider hiring help and delegating some of your responsibilities. It’s arguably the most direct and effective way to reduce your task list if you have the budget for it.

Third-party companies. If you’re planning on growing the business, your best option is hiring a third-party company to take over some portion of the responsibilities for your business.

Employees. Hiring employees can be useful, especially if you need key leaders in long-term roles, but it can also be expensive. Consider hiring for talent, rather than just experience, to reduce your costs while still recruiting excellent candidates.

Contractors. Hiring contractors is usually less expensive and more flexible than hiring traditional employees, but it can give you access to competent people who can help you with just about anything.

Cut Meetings

As an entrepreneur, you might spend even more time in meetings. But the truth is, not every meeting is necessary, and most meetings feature at least some time waste. One of the best ways to increase productivity for yourself, as well as the people around you, is to reduce the number of meetings you hold and reduce the time allotted for each meeting.

Automate Whatever You Can

With the right technology, you can practically eliminate certain tasks that previously required you to expend manual effort. In addition to saving time, automation improves consistency, practically eliminating the possibility of human error interfering with your operations. 

Stop Multitasking

Even innocuous forms of multitasking, such as checking emails while in a meeting, interfere with your ability to pay attention and remain productive. Focus on one thing at a time.

Make Use of the Pareto Principle

The Pareto principle is an informal guideline that, in many scenarios, 80 percent of your results can be attributed to 20 percent of your inputs. For example, 80 percent of your sales could come from 20 percent of your clients.

Try to apply this to your job. If 80 percent of your impact can be attributed to 20 percent of your responsibilities, which responsibilities would those be? These are responsibilities that should always get your full attention and top priority; everything else is somewhat expendable.

Schedule Heads-Down Time

During these scheduled hours, take no phone calls, text messages, or chat requests; you may even want to disconnect from the internet. You’ll find yourself much more productive under these circumstances.

Track Your Time

Finally, make it a point to track your time. What do you do throughout the day? How much time do you spend on various responsibilities? When do you feel like the day slips away from you? By studying your patterns and habits, you’ll learn more about how you work and spend time – and you’ll be in a much better position to make improvements.

Better time management has the potential to make you a better entrepreneur. With more time and a better sense of productive control, you’ll be ready to take your startup to the next level.

These 9 health complaints could be hurting your career success—and one culprit is fueling most of them | Erin Prater,

Workers who reported the highest levels of unproductivity at work were likely to suffer from one or more of the following nine complaints, they found. From most common to least:

1.Depressive symptoms

2.Lack of appetite

3.Insufficient sleep

4.Heart palpitations and/or shortness of breath


6.Joint pain


8.Stomach/intestine problems

9.Diarrhea and/or constipation

Men who reported high levels of unproductivity at work also commonly reported one or more of these four additional symptoms:

– Mental illness

-Lower back pain

-Eye strain

-Stiff neck and/or shoulders

The following types of people were more likely to report lagging productivity at work:


-Older adults

-Managers (vs. non managerial employees)

-Customer service professionals (vs. administration and sales)

A recommended shift in focus

Employers may be able to improve employee productivity by focusing on stress reduction, rather than the elimination of lifestyle-related disease risk factors like smoking and a sedentary lifestyle, researchers suggested. That’s because nearly every symptom distracting employees of both genders can stem from stress.

Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry recommends that companies attempt to improve employee health by encouraging proper diet and exercise, in addition to curbing excessive work hours.

But researchers also recommend that employers focus on improving mental health, stress levels, and sleep among employees. Sleep problems in particular may indirectly or directly lead to:

  • Working long hours
  • Work overload
  • Interpersonal conflicts
  • Low job satisfaction

A 2021 study published in the Kansas Journal of Medicine also found that employees who reported more stress were significantly more likely to be unproductive at work.

The following factors can cause work-related stress, according to the World Health Organization:

  • Poor work organization (the way jobs and work systems are designed and managed)
  • Poor work design (lack of control over work processes)
  • Poor management
  • Poor working conditions
  • Lack of support from colleagues and supervisors