1 Million Hours Tracked!

We are happy to announce that Worksnaps has surpassed 1,000,000 HOURS tracked on its system. This is definitely an exciting milestone for us. One million certainly sounds like an cool number.
Looking back at how we get here, we have come a long way to provide one of the most practical, user friendly and feature rich time track solutions for remote work. Thousands of users are now using Worksnaps to
accurately track time, improve productivity and make remote work more successful. We would like to thank them for trusting us and giving us so many valuable feedback and suggestions.

One million hours is an important milestone. Yet, it is very small comparing to the hours other services claim. It is a paltry 2% of the 51 million hours clocked on Toggl. It is an even more insignificant 0.5% of the 200 million hours entered on ClickTime. SO WHAT IS THE BIG DEAL?

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