Remote Work Digest: November 28, 2021

The latest on all kinds of information, news, and resources that help you make working remotely better.

Struggling with Time Management? Try These Six Surefire Strategies | John Rampton,

Get a handle on the minutes that make up your day and you’ll improve how you manage your time. Try one or all of these six surefire strategies to get more done in less time than ever before.

1. Commit to single-tasking.

Multitasking has been overused and overhyped and is, quite frankly, counterproductive. Many of us cannot function at a high level while doing multiple things at once. 

2. Use time blocking to your advantage.

Divide your day into distinct blocks of time. Answer your email in two 20-minute chunks, say one at midday and one at EOD. Set aside an hour to complete that entire slide deck instead of leaving it two-thirds finished before heading out for a client meeting. Speaking of meetings, try to cluster them together rather than sprinkling them throughout the day. Time blocking reduces the interruptions and mental adjustments that keep you from doing focused, productive work. 

3. Deploy the Pomodoro Technique

The Pomodoro Technique is an amped-up version of time blocking. Avid users commit to doing 25 minutes of concentrated work on a single task. Once the time allotment is up, they take a five-minute break. After four rounds of this, they take a 15- to 20-minute break to fully recharge. This approach simulates a time crunch, which prompts your brain to really zero in on a task and execute it. 

4. Schedule movement breaks

Our bodies simply weren’t made to sit in an office chair for eight or more hours a day. Give your muscles the movement they crave by allowing yourself scheduled breaks throughout the day. They’ll help you make better use of your on-task time.

5. Try task batching

The mindset you need for schmoozing a prospective client is different from the one you need to crunch month-end numbers. By batching tasks that require similar skills or mental processes together, you can accomplish them more quickly and efficiently. 

6. Fuel yourself for success

Fuel yourself throughout the day with foods that make you feel good, allow you to focus and gives you sustained energy. While it can be tempting, especially on a busy morning, resist the urge to subsist solely on coffee. After all, what good is adding in productivity tactics when your body is too tired to put in the work? Fuel your body right, and it will serve you well.

Start wrangling your time.

The time management tactics above will only make you more productive if you’re focusing on the right tasks to begin with. So, prioritize and develop a plan of attack for your workload. Identify key milestones and can’t-miss deadlines using your calendar or project management tool

5 best ways to get and stay organized for the New Year |

If organization isn’t your superpower, don’t despair. Nail these five organization tips in the New Year and you’ll be golden, no matter where you’re headed.

1.Write it down

Getting organized means being able to prioritize. A planner that can contain everything you need to put in it will help you organize your life, from important birthdays and appointments to business meetings or exams. 

Pro tip: Build in reminders well ahead of important due dates. For example, if you have a presentation due Friday, enter a reminder to “start presentation” Monday. Estimate how much time you’ll need to complete the task completed — with a little cushion built in.

2. Give everything a designated home

If every morning you try to get out the door on time but can’t find your keys, give them a permanent home. The same is true for schedules, deadlines, files, folders, etc. 

Pro tip: Keep your laptop desktop as organized as your planner. Create files to group docs that belong together, then you’ll be able to find them at a moment’s notice.

3. Make priorities when you set deadlines

When you have a plan with deadlines and tasks right at your fingertips, it’s easier to use your time efficiently. Organized people make the most of every minute, and it shows. It’s not enough just to meet deadlines; the work must also be done well. 

Pro tip: Highlight or color code high-priority items on your planner, so you’ll know to put those items first.

4. Don’t procrastinate

Don’t be that person who waits until the last minute to do something, then does it halfway or poorly. 

Pro tip: Build in extra time each day to review your planner and play catch-up. 

5. Declutter, declutter, declutter

It takes only a short time to go through your office, desk or room to know what’s important and what isn’t. Keep only what you need and get rid of the rest. Don’t be afraid to declutter and reorganize continuously and consistently. You’ll be doing yourself a favor by keeping your space clutter-free.

Pro tip: Set a regular end-of-day or first-thing-in-the-morning declutter break for 15 minutes. Your future self will thank you!

Proven ways to improve employee productivity |

As a manager, you want to keep your employees focused and motivated enough that they can produce the best possible results for your business.

Here are some tips on how to improve your employees’ productivity:

Set clear goals and expectations

Setting clear goals and expectations is a great way to improve employee productivity. It includes creating SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, time-sensitive) goals with each team member. Setting clear goals allows your employees to understand what is expected of them. It also allows them to focus on completing tasks rather than questioning their duties every step of the way. 

Encouraging communication

The key here is an open dialogue between your team members and your managers. A lack of communication can lead to miscommunications, misunderstandings as well as low morale among employees. When they feel like their voices are heard and taken seriously, it makes them more productive because they have a sense of empowerment that leads to higher productivity levels.

Providing the right tools for the job

It encourages employees to spend more time doing their work instead of wasting it on figuring out how they can get things done correctly. It includes equipping your team members with technology, such as an efficient computer system or software. 

Track performance

You can also track your employees’ productivity by keeping records of how much time they spend working. It is a great way to identify who in your workforce needs additional training or development, which helps improve their overall performance regarding the work they do each day. 

Allow flexible schedules for employees

Offering flexible work schedules is another way that you can improve employee productivity. Offering telecommuting options allows your team members to work from home on occasion, which will enable them to focus on their job without outside distractions or interruptions. It also helps reduce commute times and stress among employees because it reduces the number of hours sitting in traffic. It also allows them to spend more time with their families and not be away from home for so long, improving morale among your team members.

Show appreciation for a job well done

Not only it helps improve employee productivity, but it also shows your team members that you value them as a crucial part of the company’s success. One way of showing this appreciation is by offering bonuses or additional paid time off on top of what they already receive from your company.

Employee training

Employee training is another way to improve productivity at work. It includes offering a comprehensive orientation program for new team members, as well as ongoing employee development programs that help your workforce stay up-to-date with the latest technology and skills needed in today’s world.

Minimize meeting times

You should only use meetings to handle issues impacting your company’s productivity levels or solving problems together with employees. If you have any other meetings planned, then it becomes more difficult for employees to focus on the day-to-day tasks they need to complete for your organization to run smoothly and without hiccups along the way.

Creating a more positive environment

Creating a more positive environment with a well-rounded fitness program that allows team members to take care of their health and reduce stress can help improve employee productivity by making them more efficient when performing specific job duties.

Improving employee productivity is a crucial part of any business’ success. Employing training programs, tracking performance levels, and managing meeting times are proven ways to improve your workforce’s output regarding what they do each day at work.

15 flexible jobs for people who don’t want to give up remote work | Madison Hoff,

HireAHelper published a list of remote jobs that are great for those who often move. Here are 15 top jobs for those who want to work remotely and move around a lot.

15. Advertising sales agents

Median annual wage in 2020: $54,940

Remote work take-up: 51%

Percent of people in this occupation who moved in the last year and stayed in the job: 10%

14. Financial examiners

Median annual wage in 2020: $81,430

Remote work take-up: 72%

Percent of people in this occupation who moved in the last year and stayed in the job: 11%

13. Urban and regional planners

Median annual wage in 2020: $75,950

Remote work take-up: 68%

Percent of people in this occupation who moved in the last year and stayed in the job: 10%

12. Computer network support specialists

Median annual wage in 2020: $65,450

Remote work take-up: 52%

Percent of people in this occupation who moved in the last year and stayed in the job: 10%

11. Management analysts

Median annual wage in 2020: $87,660

Remote work take-up: 56%

Percent of people in this occupation who moved in the last year and stayed in the job: 10%

10.Speech-language pathologists

Median annual wage in 2020: $80,480

Remote work take-up: 39%

Percent of people in this occupation who moved in the last year and stayed in the job: 10%

9. Environmental scientists and specialists

Median annual wage in 2020: $73,230

Remote work take-up: 59%

Percent of people in this occupation who moved in the last year and stayed in the job: 10%

8.Civil engineers

Median annual wage in 2020: $88,570

Remote work take-up: 44%

Percent of people in this occupation who moved in the last year and stayed in the job: 9%

7.Credit analysts

Median annual wage in 2020: $74,970

Remote work take-up: 61%

Percent of people in this occupation who moved in the last year and stayed in the job: 11%

6.Financial analysts

Median annual wage in 2020: $83,660

Remote work take-up: 68%

Percent of people in this occupation who moved in the last year and stayed in the job: 11%

5.Public relations specialists

Median annual wage in 2020: $62,810

Remote work take-up: 65%

Percent of people in this occupation who moved in the last year and stayed in the job: 10%

4. College professors

Median annual wage in 2020: $90,400*

Remote work take-up: 61%

Percent of people in this occupation who moved in the last year and stayed in the job: 11%

3. Advertising and promotions managers

Median annual wage in 2020: $133,460

Remote work take-up: 51%

Percent of people in this occupation who moved in the last year and stayed in the job: 12%

2. Computer hardware engineers

Median annual wage in 2020: $119,560

Remote work take-up: 57%

Percent of people in this occupation who moved in the last year and stayed in the job: 12%

1.Software Developers

Median annual wage in 2020: $110,140

Remote work take-up: 71%

Percent of people in this occupation who moved in the last year and stayed in the job: 13%

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